Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What I Have Learned...March 2008-March 2009

My friend challenged me to make this list! Now, make one of your own!

What I Have Learned, March 2008-March 2009

  • I have learned that stressing gets you nowhere...except towards a bigger headache.
  • Life is always better when you have a Jamba in your hand.
  • Never use a plastic utensil in hot grease.
  • Family is more important than anything else you have going on. Always.
  • a^2 + b^2 =c^2 Thank you Pythagoras.
  • If you aren't feeling happy, go serve someone. It's a natural anti-depressant.
  • Never let your passions over rule your head. Never let your head over rule your passions. Balance them!
  • Don't make the Spirit tell you more than once to do anything
  • Miracles can happen
  • Being an EFY Counselor is hard work, harder than anything I've ever done...but the experience was worth more to me than the what I put into it and sacrificed.
  • Be nice. Everyone is fighting a hard battle.
  • Wear good shoes. And don't wear the same pair every day.
  • Running, jumping and chasing teenagers will cause shin splints.
  • Sprinklers are heavenly in the middle of August.
  • Never take more than 16 credits a semester
  • Never take a class before 8 o'clock am.
  • Don't take any kind of flack from people. Stand your ground.
  • Remember to smile, even when no one is looking. It will make you feel better.
  • Every problem on the earth could be solved if people weren't obese (courtesy of Health Professor)
  • Listen to music before falling asleep at night.
  • Don't let your best friend leave on his mission without calling him and telling him good-bye
  • Focus more on others than on yourself
  • Don't unload on people. Usually their load is bigger than yours.
  • Try to be as helpful as you can, at home, in class, at work.
  • If someone is asking you for money, it's because they need it. Don't turn them away!
  • Eat an apple instead of candy
  • EFY Polos do not look good on anyone.
  • Quitting a job is okay.
  • God is really good at His job, so, let Him do it!
  • Don't be so worried about things. Everything works out in the end
  • When you get anxious about homework being due, or having a test, relax. Usually the professor doesn't show up on that day.
  • Don't tell everyone your life story.
  • Try not to drive the same way to work and school every day. It will make you crazy.
  • Skip class just for the sake of skipping class. But don't do it too often.
  • Stand up for what you believe in, even if it's under attack and you are the only one who will fight back. (Courtesy Ethics and Values class)
  • Only take classes from professors who give 30%+ of their class A's (courtesy
  • Being in a wheelchair is rough business. Don't do it unless you really have to. And then, love every moment and try and find the good in it.
  • Always respect everyone, able or disabled, kind or unkind, different or the same.
  • Always follow a prompting.
  • Let everyone know how much you care about them.
  • Never leave a question unanswered.
  • Listen to what people are saying, don't just brush them off
  • Dream big.
  • Sing like no one is listening.
  • Be curious!
  • Learn enthusiastically
  • Thank the bus drivers :D
  • Live with no regrets...if you have regrets, fix them!

love, Anne