My friend challenged me to make this list! Now, make one of your own!
What I Have Learned, March 2008-March 2009
- I have learned that stressing gets you nowhere...except towards a bigger headache.
- Life is always better when you have a Jamba in your hand.
- Never use a plastic utensil in hot grease.
- Family is more important than anything else you have going on. Always.
- a^2 + b^2 =c^2 Thank you Pythagoras.
- If you aren't feeling happy, go serve someone. It's a natural anti-depressant.
- Never let your passions over rule your head. Never let your head over rule your passions. Balance them!
- Don't make the Spirit tell you more than once to do anything
- Miracles can happen
- Being an EFY Counselor is hard work, harder than anything I've ever done...but the experience was worth more to me than the what I put into it and sacrificed.
- Be nice. Everyone is fighting a hard battle.
- Wear good shoes. And don't wear the same pair every day.
- Running, jumping and chasing teenagers will cause shin splints.
- Sprinklers are heavenly in the middle of August.
- Never take more than 16 credits a semester
- Never take a class before 8 o'clock am.
- Don't take any kind of flack from people. Stand your ground.
- Remember to smile, even when no one is looking. It will make you feel better.
- Every problem on the earth could be solved if people weren't obese (courtesy of Health Professor)
- Listen to music before falling asleep at night.
- Don't let your best friend leave on his mission without calling him and telling him good-bye
- Focus more on others than on yourself
- Don't unload on people. Usually their load is bigger than yours.
- Try to be as helpful as you can, at home, in class, at work.
- If someone is asking you for money, it's because they need it. Don't turn them away!
- Eat an apple instead of candy
- EFY Polos do not look good on anyone.
- Quitting a job is okay.
- God is really good at His job, so, let Him do it!
- Don't be so worried about things. Everything works out in the end
- When you get anxious about homework being due, or having a test, relax. Usually the professor doesn't show up on that day.
- Don't tell everyone your life story.
- Try not to drive the same way to work and school every day. It will make you crazy.
- Skip class just for the sake of skipping class. But don't do it too often.
- Stand up for what you believe in, even if it's under attack and you are the only one who will fight back. (Courtesy Ethics and Values class)
- Only take classes from professors who give 30%+ of their class A's (courtesy
- Being in a wheelchair is rough business. Don't do it unless you really have to. And then, love every moment and try and find the good in it.
- Always respect everyone, able or disabled, kind or unkind, different or the same.
- Always follow a prompting.
- Let everyone know how much you care about them.
- Never leave a question unanswered.
- Listen to what people are saying, don't just brush them off
- Dream big.
- Sing like no one is listening.
- Be curious!
- Learn enthusiastically
- Thank the bus drivers :D
- Live with no regrets...if you have regrets, fix them!
love, Anne
I am LOVING this! You have some great insights and you can tell just how much you have grown and changed this past year. Wasn't it great?! You did it much faster than I thought you would...kudos to you!
Great post, sweetie!
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