Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Change in the air

Summer is starting to come to a close. There are leaves crunching under my feet and I can feel the change in the air. The rain is lightly tapping on the roof of my classroom. I love the change. I embrace the change! It is so easy to love the cool of fall after the heat of summer.

I used to be afraid of change.

I used to be afraid TO change.

I used to think that it wasn't possible to continually change, that I never had enough time, or that I wasn't smart enough to continue the changes I wanted.

Now, I want to change.

I'm not afraid anymore.

I'm excited to embrace the change. It will still be hard...there is no doubt about that. But I've recently(thanks to several experiences over the past two weeks) realized:

That change is worth the fight.

So, it's time to change. I will embrace it like the desert ground embraces the long awaited rain, the way a bird embraces the wind of the storm. Fly with, not against, the change.

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