Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Just tonight.

I'm sitting by the window.
The breeze is slowly cooling off the hot room.
Buble is singing his jazzy "Tenderness" and
The stars are glittering in the dark night sky

and I am extremely happy right now.

I love when I can feel the world spinning around the sun. There are days when everything seems chaotic, like this rock we're on has been thrown out of orbit. In reality, it's me that is in orbit. Finally in orbit again. Everything begins to come together, when you least expect it, when you have been working on it so hard it hurts, and when you need it the most.

It's a beautiful feeling.

I was sitting at the table watching a movie after helping my roomie, Madison, make zucchini bread. And I realized something.

I am so happy here.

I wish it could last forever...

But I only have 11 days of this. I will make it the best 11 days EVER. It has already become a home away from home. I hope that the next place I am in will be the same.

PS! I found an place to live for fall! It's been a struggle to find something just for fall...but I did it. I'm the only one who has signed up for it yet, so I am praying very very very hard that some very very very good girls will sign up to live there. But it's only for the semester, and I won't be there most of the time. Between dating, school, work (provided I find a job soon!), and homework I shouldn't notice if they aren't nice. At least....I hope so!

But, for tonight, it's enough not to worry about all of that and just type my story right here as it unfolds.

The clicking of the keys and the sound of Enya are soothing.

Life is so good!

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