Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just Breathe

Classes got out and I walked across the street to the library. The sun was so warm and inviting that I sat myself on a cement wall and just breathed. I closed my eyes and felt the wind play with my hair and caress my cheek. I listened to the sounds all around me-the whirrr of a bicycle and a shuffling as a tired student walked past me. The wind carried pieces of a distant conversation to me and rather than try and determine what was being said I simply listened to what I could hear, delighting in my sense of hearing. I listened as if I had never listened before. And I discovered that the world is more of an amazing place to be in when I just take the time to experience it.

We spend too much of life in a hurry, too much of it trying to get somewhere we are not. What would happen if we took time to enjoy where we are at and less time worrying about where we have to be. Stop thinking that you'll be happier when you gradaute from college, stop thinking

...We spend too much of life in a hurry, too much of it trying to get somewhere we are not...
that you will be happier when you are married, when you've bought your own house, when you get the big raise. Be happy now, and you won't have to worry about being "happier" later. Life can be a beautiful experience if you let it be!

As I sat on our University shuttle today I was a little bit disturbed to overhear someone say, "I'm never getting married! Marriage is over-rated anyways!" I was just curious to know why that person thought that way. What is over-rated about it? Perhaps it is the idea that finding that special person to share the rest of our lives means that we will always be happy and never have any trouble. I think that maybe this ties back into what I was just saying. Happiness isn't immediately aquired when something significant happens in your life. Happiness is all about your attitude. For example, you can be born, live and die happy in a squatter village in Peru, without anything "significant" happening. Or You could be miserable. Your attitude determines EVERYTHING! Choose to be happy now my friends, and you are choosing to be happy for the rest of your lives.

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