Wednesday, September 10, 2008

School and such

Wowie! These past 3 weeks of school have been a serious SLAP in the face. I don't think I was quite ready to come back. In fact, I know I wasn't ready. However, I have learned in life that new things are usually the hardest during the first few weeks, then you seem to get the hang of it. At least, that's what I've always thought.

So,last night. I was at work till 8pm, and while I was there I was studying somewhat frantically for a math test I was supposed to take afterwards. I was so discouraged. And I went into the testing center discouraged and nervous, tired and hungry. Probably not the ideal circumstances to take a test in. The only thing of any comfort was the talk I had with a good friend beforehand. Good friends are just so hard to find these days.....Anyways. So I went in and took my test. It was hard and I just felt lost. And, if it is even possible, I walked out into the dark night even more discouraged than before.

It was cold and most of the street lamps were off as I trudged back back. But I hardly felt it. I was too emotionally worn out to even care. I called my dad and cried on the phone to him. I debated about dropping the math class. It would be easier to just quit, wouldn't it? And that's what I was going to do.

I drove home in the dark and returned a phone call to another good friend, whose timing couldn't have been more perfect! We had a wonderful talk and I felt my spirits lift just a little bit. But when I hung up and walked in my house, my little sister was there and asked how my day went. Being the woman that I am, the tears started to come again. She got me calmed down and eventually left my room. In the stillness I decided to go to the source of all knees.

Never mind what was said, but when I was finished and I opened my scriptures, I received an answer. Peace flooded through me and although I still know that this semester is going to be difficult to get through, I know that with the Lord on my side I can do anything!

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